How to Book More Private Yoga Clients Pt. 2

Sep 18, 2023
how to book more private yoga clients pt. 2

Let's recap...

In case you haven't already, be sure to read Part One of this series on how to book more private clients before diving into this post.

It's jam-packed with valuable information, such as why incorporating private yoga instruction as a high-ticket offer in your yoga business is a powerful first step along your journey toward financial freedom as a yoga teacher.

We discuss how your marketing strategy for private yoga sessions needs to be completely different from teaching group classes in studios. We dig into how to identify your ideal client and how to ground your marketing strategy in a place of service. Finally, we outline six different ways you can begin to fill your private class schedule.

In this post, we will give you six more ways to attract private students so that you can begin to reduce your hours and show up with more energy, intention, and focus to truly serve your students.


How much should I charge for private yoga lessons?

Before we dive into the main article, I wanted to quickly address one of the most common questions I get asked by yoga teachers looking to dip their toes into teaching private sessions, "How much should I charge for private yoga classes?"

Well, I always say what you choose to price your sessions should be based on your qualifications and experience, the value you bring, and the supply that is available of your 1:1 time. If you're booked out consistently, I'd encourage you to increase your hourly rate.

I know, determining what to charge for your private sessions is difficult.

That's why I've created this free pricing calculator tool that will help you reverse engineer your goals in order to figure out how to build and price your private yoga packages and offerings.

Now that you've figured out what to charge for your private sessions, without further ado, let's dive into how to get your private class schedule filled.


12 Ways to Find More Private Yoga Clients

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#7 Lead a yoga workshop

One great way to demonstrate your value to potential clients is to lead a workshop or master class. This can take place online or in person. The main point is to guide others through a topic that you know will attract and benefit your ideal client.

For example, let's say you're a private yoga instructor who specializes in doing chair yoga with senior clients. You could offer a workshop at your local senior community center that teaches some of the most effective poses to help improve bone density and reduce fracture risk.

Provide as much value as possible and invite your community, current and/or past clients, and colleagues. Make it affordable or even free to attract even more people.

Use the event to identify any leads that might be interested in learning more about your services and guide them toward a higher-ticket offer on your value ladder (i.e. your private classes). You can even offer a special incentive for those who sign up for private lessons on the same day as your event.


#8 Host a niche webinar

Another similar and more evergreen way of reaching potential clients is by hosting a webinar. Webinars are a great way to reach and serve your audience for free.

Plus, you can record the webinar live and then make the video available on your website, post it to YouTube and other social, and/or share it with your e-list. That way your webinar continues to bring in new clients long after you delivered the talk.

In contrast to a workshop, webinars can be less hands-on and more informative. The most important thing is to strategically create valuable content that will show your ideal client how your expertise can help them solve a pain point or overcome a struggle they might be facing.

Going back to our previous example, let's say you're trying to market your private chair yoga classes for seniors. You could offer a 1-hour webinar educating about some of the most common physical ailments faced by the senior population and summarizing research on how yoga can help address these challenges.

Webinars are powerful because they give you an opportunity to connect with potential clients, provide insights, answer questions, demonstrate your knowledge, and build trust. The key is to provide a lot of value. You don't have to give away everything, but you need to solve a problem or teach your ideal client something that they need.


#9 Collaborate with wellness colleagues

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When it comes to building a business, the importance of collaboration and professional networks cannot be understated. One powerful way to build up our clientele base is to connect with colleagues who serve a similar demographic to our ideal clients.

There are endless ways to collaborate but here are just a few ideas to help get your juices flowing:

  • Advertise a workshop or webinar to your partner's clientele base and/or offer them a free discovery session. In exchange, let your partner also pitch something to your clients.

  • Create an affiliate program for any of your partner's clients who sign up for one of your offers.

  • Co-host an online challenge, contest, or giveaway with your partner that you can develop and promote together.

Connecting with other wellness professionals who see the value of your work and are excited to share your offer with their audiences is a great way to get your name in front of potential clients and build trust around your services.


#10 Nurture your referral network

Referrals are one of the most powerful marketing tactics because they establish almost immediate trust between you and a potential client. The more we collaborate with and refer out to other wellness professionals, the more robust our referral networks will be.

Think physical therapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, personal trainers, mental health professionals, you name it. All and any of these professionals should be contacted as often as you see fit. This will help build trust among all parties involved.

Your clients will trust you because you have led them to other professionals who have helped them address their needs. Your colleagues will also want to refer clients to you because you have supported their work.


#11 Offer a discovery session

Another way to find new private clients is to offer a free discovery session. However, I recommend being conservative with this approach.

Be cautious about offering discovery sessions through social media, as most of your clients probably won't come directly from social media. By the time your followers become clients, it's usually after you have nurtured them and provided value through your e-list and low-ticket offers.

Make sure to vet any potential clients you offer discovery sessions to ensure that they are serious about working with you. Provide a powerful discovery session exclusively for your email list, and limit the number of participants.


#12 Lead with intuition and kindness

My last and overarching piece of advice when it comes to marketing your private yoga sessions is to simply lead with intuition and kindness. What does this mean?

Lead with intuition.

Trust that you are being guided towards your intentions and that the stepping stones to achieve them will be presented in everyday interactions. Let the universe and the right people fall into place. Be receptive to opportunities that may not be obvious at first.

Lead with kindness

Be kind to everyone and set healthy boundaries for yourself. Serve your community, students, and clients before expecting them to serve you. Provide so much value that people can't help but want to learn more. Random acts of kindness can open enormous doors for you.


Want to create your dream yoga business?

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So many of us yoga teachers struggle to find ways to balance how to teach and share the practice we love while honoring the needs of our own bodies for rest and relaxation. It's easy for yoga teachers to find themselves working 40+ hours a week and still only bring home between $30-40k a year.

But I promise, it is so possible to build a yoga business that both supports you financially and gives you the freedom and time to spend with your family, traveling, or doing whatever your heart is called to do.

And with the right mentorship, strategy, and belief in yourself, it can happen quicker than you realize.

I have done it myself, and I have successfully coached numerous other yoga teachers in building their unique niche, brand, and offers on their road to six figures.


Are you ready to invest in yourself?

Then, you'll want to join the Online Yoga Biz waitlist. Doors open every few weeks and spots are limited.

Online Yoga Biz is a comprehensive program that helps yoga teachers, like you, launch and grow a profitable online coaching business so you can ditch the burnout of the studio grind and enjoy the time, location, and financial freedom you desire and deserve. 

You’ll learn proven mindset, launch, marketing, and sales strategies so you can finally gain clarity, lead with purpose and create the business model that supports your ideal life and soul’s highest calling.

Join the waitlist to save your seat!

More Free Resources 👇🏽

Tons of tools and mini-courses here: 


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